Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) is a framework designed to provide all students with the support they need to succeed academically and behaviorally. It includes multiple levels of interventions, ensuring each child receives the right level of assistance based on their individual needs. This approach helps identify and address any challenges early on, promoting a positive and effective learning environment for every student.

Intervention Flow Chart

Tier 1: Academic or Behavior

  1. Start: Universal Screener or Teacher Concern is identified.

  2. Teacher Action: The teacher provides Tier 1 in-class instruction.

  3. Data Collection: The teacher collects data for 6-8 weeks.

Tier 2 Meeting:

  • The MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Team and the teacher(s) meet to create a Tier 2 Intervention Plan. This plan is designed for students in grades K-5 or 6-12 and may be applicable to multiple students.

  • Teacher Responsibilities:

    • Provide and document the intervention.
    • Communicate the intervention plan to parents.

Tier 3 Meeting:

  • The MTSS Team meets to develop a Tier 3 Intervention Plan.

  • This plan is implemented by an Academic Interventionist.

After 18 Weeks:

  • A Comprehensive Multi-Factored Evaluation (CMFE) is conducted.
  • The MTSS Tier 3 Team reviews the data to determine the next steps based on the CMFE results.

23g MI Kids Back on Track:

In the 2023-24 school year, Fowlerville Community Schools applied for and was awarded a new grant titled 23g: Kids Back On Track. The purpose of the grant is to provide programs to striving learners by providing additional instruction and support before school, during school, after school or by offering summer school. 

Fowlerville Community Schools has elected to use this grant to support the implementation of an Academic Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). MTSS is a comprehensive framework comprising a collection of research-based strategies designed to meet the individual needs of striving learners who perform grade 1 level or more below on assessments. 

As part of the transparency reporting requirements for the 23g: Kids Back On Track, Fowlerville Community Schools is posting the MICIP 23g Plan used in the NexSys 23g grant application which includes the data story, 23g approved strategies and activities that outline how the strategy will be implemented.

For questions regarding 23g: Kids Back On Track, please contact us.

Title I:

Title I in Fowlerville Community Schools is a federal program that provides additional funding to help all students meet academic standards, especially those who need extra support. The program offers resources and support for students, ensuring they receive the necessary help to succeed in school.

Title I Home School Compact
HT Smith Parent Involvement Plan
Kreeger Parent Involvement Plan
Title I Playbook Guidelines

What is Title I?

Research shows reading success is directly related to the number of words read per year. The more you read the better you get. Some things you can do at home to help your child become a reader:

  1. Read to your child.
  2. Make reading a pleasure.
  3. Show enthusiasm as you read with your child.
  4. Read to your child every day.
  5. Talk with your child as you read together.
  6. Encourage your child to explore books.
  7. Read favorite books again and again.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go.
  - Dr. Seuss

Star Fall - Reading practice for K-2 students
We Do Listen - Animated stories, games, and songs for K-2 students
Story Line Online - On-line video streaming, stories, and activities for kids K-3
US DEQ Reading Resources

Math Resources

The typical Title I student needs lots of practice with addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. The links listed below can help give your child the practice they need to be successful.

Study Island - Math practice, instruction, and assessment for students in grades 3-5 - Math practice & tutorials for 1st-5th grade students. Good stuff for parents too.
NCTM - Family math resources
Sites for Parents - FREE practice worksheets for you to print.

Capturing Kids' Hearts:

Capturing Kids' Hearts is a program that focuses on building strong, positive relationships between students and teachers. It helps create a supportive and encouraging learning environment by teaching students valuable social and emotional skills. This approach aims to improve student behavior and academic performance, making school a more enjoyable place for everyone.

Capturing Kids Hearts

Positive Behavior & Supports:

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at Fowlerville Community Schools is a proactive approach to encourage good behavior and create a positive school environment. By setting clear expectations, teaching appropriate behaviors, and recognizing students for following them, PBIS helps all students succeed both academically and socially. This program ensures that every child feels safe, respected, and ready to learn.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Contact Us

Kristin Rosalez
Executive Assistant